Yellow Turbo Rangers

Yellow Turbo Rangers

Tanya Sloan, Yellow Turbo Ranger I
Played By: Nakia Burrise
Tanya Sloan, the former Yellow Zeo Ranger upgrades her powers to battle Divatox on the Island Of Muranthias, becoming the Yellow Turbo Ranger. After graduating from Angel Grove High School, Tanya gets a job as a radio host at KAGV. Shortly after becoming the Yellow Turbo Ranger, Tanya decides to retire and passes her powers to Ashley Hammond.

Ashley Hammond, Yellow Turbo Ranger II
Played By: Tracy Lynn Cruz
Ashley Hammond is a student at Angel Grove High School that has many interests, including cheerleading, fashion design and auto repair. After protecting some civilians from a monster attack, Tanya passes her powers onto her, becoming the new Yellow Turbo Ranger.