Mighty Morphin’ Black Rangers

Mighty Morphin’ Black Ranger

Zack Taylor, Mighty Morphin’ Black Ranger I
Played By: Walter Jones
Zack Taylor would continue his role as the Black Ranger after Lord Zedd arrives to take over Earth and is given the Lion Thunderzord to fight Lord Zedd’s more powerful monsters. Zack teaches a hip-hop kido class at the Angel Grove Youth Center, which is a combination of dance and martial arts. After being chosen to represent Angel Grove in a Peace Conference in Switzerland, Zack passes on his Black Ranger powers to Adam Park.

Adam Park, Mighty Morphin’ Black Ranger
Played By: Johnny Yong Bosch
Adam Park is a student from Stone Canyon that would learn the identity of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers after he is captured by Lord Zedd. He would aid the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers as a civilian until he becomes the Black Ranger after Zack Taylor leaves the team for a Peace Conference in Switzerland. After becoming the Black Ranger, he would transfer to Angel Grove High School and would teach a martial arts class at the Angel Grove Youth Center, learning it as a child to help with his low self-esteem. Adam, despite being a skilled martial artist, has shy qualities, being afraid to ask a girl to a dance.