II. Villains

Evil Space Aliens

Lord Zedd
Lord Zedd was once an Eltarian known as Zophram that was chosen to be the Supreme Guardian Of Eltar. After being fed up with the Eltarian Council, he would attempt to use the Zeo Crystal to gain power in protecting the universe from evil, but would be severely injured by the curse that Zartus had one of the protectors put on the Zeo Crystal. Zartus slowly repairs his body and is reborn as Lord Zedd, Emperor Of Evil. In present day, he becomes fed up with Rita Repulsa’s slow conquest of Earth and takes over the Moon Palace and conquer the Earth himself. He first task was to drain the power from Dragon Power Coin and is successful in destroying the powers for good. He later tasks his minions to break into Promethea to steal the Psycho Dagger in order to use its energy to power up his war zord, Serpentera.

Rita Repulsa
Rita Repulsa is an intergalactic space witch that was born to the sorceress and sorcerer, Lady Fienna & Eldin. Her mother leaves her father prior to her birth after her father was corrupted after using forbidden magic, transforming him into Master Vile. After being born on Iutus, she spent her early years flee and hiding with her mother until they are found by Master Vile, with Fienna sacrificing herself in order to infuse her daughter with Morphin’ Grid energy in order to prevent Master Vile from using her as a host for Dark Specter. After he mother’s death, her father raises her to be a cunning and powerful dark sorceress on Gamma Vile until she decides to leave her father’s empire to work for Lord Zedd. She eventually gets into a intergalactic war with Zordon until the two reach a stalemate, with Rita Repulsa and her co-horts being trapped in a Space Dumpster while Zordon is trapped in a time warp. This becomes her prison until two NASADA Astronaut releases her from the Space Dumpster, she vows to conquer Earth by sending down monsters and her army of Putty Patrollers to get the job done. Her first plan of attack is to send down the Putty Infiltrator to learn intel from it about the Power Rangers persona lives and destroy them from the inside. After the Putty Infiltrator ends up failing, she teams up with Ranger Slayer in order to defeat the Power Rangers and offers to power up her Gravezord. After the Ranger Slayer incident, Rita Repulsa opens up a portal to the Planet Breel in order to obtain the ultimate weapon which is later revealed to be the Green Power Coin. She later travels to her home planet, Iutus to obtain a rattle from her childhood in order to summon her mother’s spirit in order to use her spirit to activate the Dragon Coin for her own nefarious purposes. She then recruits Tommy Oliver to be her Green Ranger and uses the Green Candle to strip Tommy Oliver of his powers after he joins the side of good. After failing to conquer Earth multiple times, her boss, Lord Zedd arrives to the Moon Palace, taking her place and imprisoning her in a Space Dumpster.

Goldar is a winged golden monkey-like alien that was once a general in Lord Zedd’s Army that was sent to act as a spy to keep an eye on Rita Repulsa. After she figures this out, she offers him a role in her army as her second-in-command in return for his loyalty. Goldar is later tasked with finding a candidate worth of the Dragon Power Coin but is thwarted by Alpha 1 and almost destroys him until the Power Rangers beg for him to be sparred. He later frees the Power Rangers from a forcefield as payback from their kindness and also to use them to destroy Alpha 1. However, Rita Repulsa deems this as a failure and Goldar is stripped of his wings as punishment. Goldar later serves Lord Zedd once he takes over the Moon Palace and exiles Rita Repulsa.

Finster is a russell terrier-like alien and a skilled artist that Rita Repulsa recruits into her forces after his sculpting skill causes the death of his wife, Plepra. He is in charge of creating monsters and Putty Patrollers in his Monster-Matic for Rita Repulsa to fight against the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers He is also responsible for creating the Putty Infiltrator, a Putty Patroller with the ability to shape shift into a human who uses this ability to transform into Matthew Cook, the Pink Rangers boyfriend. Finster later serves Lord Zedd once he takes over the Moon Palace and exiles Rita Repulsa.


Squatt is a blue skinned hobgolbin-like alien from the planet, Myrgo that is given to Rita Repulsa as a baby by his parents and raised to be a member of her crew. Squatt later serves Lord Zedd once he takes over the Moon Palace and exiles Rita Repulsa. He attempts to prove himself to Lord Zedd by leading the siege of Promethea but fails after presumably destroying the Psycho Dagger.

Baboo is a monkey/vampire-like alchemist from the planet, Pongies that joins Rita Repulsa’s crew after he turns entire species into stone. Baboo is shown to have a treacherous side, seen when he starts sewing seeds of doubt in Finster & Goldar’s heads about Rita Repulsa’s leadership skills after she leaves to obtain the Green Power Coin. However, it is later revealed to be a test she concocted to test Goldar, Finster & Squatt’s loyalty. He later serves Lord Zedd once he takes over the Moon Palace and exiles Rita Repulsa.

Serpentera is a dragon-like zord constructed by Lord Zedd’s force to act as a personal zord for him to use in his attempt to defeat the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. Its first mission was to prevent the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers from obtaining the Sword Of Light by destroying the planet it inhabited.

Putty Patrollers
The Putty Patrollers are foot soldiers that are sculpted from clay by Finster and cooked in the Monster-Matic.

Z Putty Patrollers
The Z Putty Patrollers are gray powered-up Putty Patrollers that are used by Lord Zedd as foot soldiers.

Ranger Slayer


Ranger Slayer
Ranger Slayer is an alternate version of Kimberly Hart from Lord Drakkon’s dimension that was formerly a member of The Coinless but was turned evil by Lord Drakkon. When Lord Drakkon is trapped in the past, she is given a fragment of a Dark Crystal in order to find him in the past. However, she goes too far into the past and ends up traveling to before Lord Drakkon is captured by the Power Rangers. She does, however, offer her past self an ultimatum to join her and teams up with Rita Repulsa to power up her Gravezord. She then uses the Gravezord to attack Angel Grove to distract the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers while she sneaks into the Command Center in order to use its technology to communicate with the future but is thwarted by her past self and is freed of her brainwashing after being electrocuted by Alpha 5. After she assists the Power Rangers in defeating two monsters and shoots an unknown arrow into Tommy Oliver, Ranger Slayer is teleported to the World Of The Coinless where she is greeted by Grace Sterling.

Gravezord is an evil zord created from parts of the Thunderzord & White Tigerzord in the Zord Graveyard. The Gravezord is later used to attack Angel Grove and attack the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers while she sneaks into the Command Center. The Gravezord later assists the Power Rangers and combined with the Dino Megazord to form the Mega Gravezord in order to destroy two monsters.

Kedry Army

Queen Adriyel
Queen Adriyel is a warrior queen and current leader of the Kedry, a race of beings that were freed from slavery over the Breel during Rita Repulsa’s attempt at universal conquest centuries ago. She is first seen showing doubt in Rita Repulsa being the real thing but soon realizes she’s the real thing and swears her loyalty to her shortly after she defeats an army of her strongest warriors. She later accompanies Rita Repulsa to the Temple Of Repulsa to obtain the Green Power Coin but later betray hers after she orders her to stay on her planet and is presumably destroyed by a blast from the Power Blaster.

Kedry Soldiers
The Kedry Soldiers serve Adriyel as loyal warriors in her army.

Alpha 1

Alpha 1
Alpha 1 is a robot created by King Lexian’s great artisans to be an advisor and protector to Zordon Of Eltar. During a fight against Master Vile’s forces, Alpha 1 is presumably destroyed but survived and floated in space, inoperable for centuries. However, he was found by unknown aliens and came to Earth to assist the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers in their fight against Rita Repulsa. Alpha 1 is later shown to have ulterior motives during an altercation with Goldar, where he almost destroys Goldar to prevent him from doing further destruction and tells the Power Rangers to join him in his ways in obtaining universal peace. However, they decline his offer, which causes him to go on the offense against them and destroy Zordon but is thwarted by them in the Dino Megazord Tank Mode and Alpha 5 donning the Tricera Armor. He survives this however and his body is destroyed by him setting himself on self-destruct, vowing to return one day.