Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (1969)

The Rangers

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (1969)


Grace Sterling, Red Ranger
Grace Sterling was a secretary at NASADA that was chosen by Zordon to become the Red Ranger. She leads a team of Power Rangers on a mission to prevent Psycho Green from releasing Rita Repulsa and her cohorts. She is given Tyrannosaurus Power Coin back to Zordon after this mission and co-forms Promethea, an organization that aids in the cleanup of attacks from Rita Repulsa.


Nikolai Chukarin, Blue Ranger
Nikolai Chukarin was a Soviet KGB Agent that was chosen by Zordon to become the Blue Ranger. He is sent on a mission to prevent Psycho Green from releasing Rita Repulsa and her cohorts. Nikolai sacrifices himself after he blasts Psycho Green with a cannon.


Jamie Gilmore, Black Ranger
Jamie Gilmore was a British singer that was chosen by Zordon to become the Black Ranger. She is sent on a mission to prevent Psycho Green from releasing Rita Repulsa and her cohorts, but is killed on the mission by after she is crushed by rocks thrown at her by Psycho Green.


Terona Washington, Yellow Ranger
Terona Washington was a Vietnam War Veteran that was chosen by Zordon to become the Yellow Ranger. He is sent on a mission to prevent Psycho Green from releasing Rita Repulsa and her cohorts. He gives his Sabertooth Tiger Power Coin back to Zordon after this mission and co-forms Promethea, an organization that aids in the cleanup of attacks from Rita Repulsa.


Daniel O’Halloran, Pink Ranger
Daniel O’Halloran was a student that was chosen by Zordon to become the Pink Ranger. He is sent on a mission to prevent Psycho Green from releasing Rita Repulsa and her cohorts. He is killed on the mission when the shield on his helmet is damaged by Psycho Green.