I. Villains

The Villains

Evil Space Aliens (Rita Repulsa/Mistress Vile)

Rita Repulsa/Mistress Vile
Rita Repulsa is an intergalactic space witch that was born to the sorceress, Lady Fienna and sorcerer, Eldin. Her mother leaves her father prior to her birth after her father was corrupted using forbidden magic, transforming him into Master Vile. After being born on Iutus, she spent her early years flee and hiding with her mother until they are found by Master Vile, with Fienna sacrificing herself in order to infuse her daughter with Morphin’ Grid energy in order to prevent Master Vile from using her as a host for Dark Specter. After he mother’s death, her father raises her to be a cunning and powerful dark sorceress on Gamma Vile until she decides to leave her father’s empire to work for Lord Zedd. She eventually gets into a intergalactic war with Zordon until the two reach a stalemate, with Rita Repulsa and her co-horts being trapped in a Space Dumpster while Zordon is trapped in a time warp. This becomes her prison until two NASADA Astronauts releases her from the Space Dumpster, where she vows to take it over with the help of her army and eventual Evil Green Ranger, Tommy Oliver. After she loses her control of the Evil Green Ranger, she attempts to power up the Green Chaos Crystal, succeeding in summoning The Black Dragon and taking over the Command Center for a short time. After being driven out of the Command Center, she travels to the lair of the Wizard Of Deception and gives him the task of forging her a powerful weapon and returns to her dilapidated Moon Palace shortly after to bring Finster back into her ranks. She later teams up with Zordon & Commander Cruger to assist them in draining Lord Drakkon of his power and succeeds in severely weakening him but is blasted by the Z Staff held by Finster 5. These event are rewritten however, with Rita Repulsa using the Green Candle on Tommy Oliver, draining him of his powers and continuing to attempt conquest of Earth until she is banished from her Moon Palace by Lord Zedd. Her Space Dumpster floats around the cosmos until it is found by Divatox and brought to Master Vile. After living under his thumb for a short time, she betrays him after he fails at presenting a new host to Dark Specter. She then pledges her loyalty to Dark Specter, promising to find him a proper host in exchange for power, renaming herself Mistress Vile. She then returns to the Moon Palace, taking it over and nearly kills Lord Zedd. She also captured Matthew Cook, the Green Ranger during the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers raid on the Moon Palace. She eventually succeeds in finding a Master Arch in the Bermuda Triangle, performing an incantation in conjunction with the power of the Zeo Crystal to release Dark Specter into this dimension, using Zordon’s body as a host. Despite her successes, Dark Specter begins to become frustrated with Rita Repulsa, losing favor with him and eventually tries to usurp him but fails when she is captured by Lord Zedd and put into a Space Dumpster.

Finster/Pink Dark Ranger
Finster is a russell terrier-like alien and a skilled artist that Rita Repulsa recruits into her forces after his sculpting skill causes the death of his wife, Plepra. He is in charge of creating monsters and Putty Patrollers in his Monster-Matic for Rita Repulsa to fight against the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. Finster also has great tech knowledge, being able to hack into Alpha 5’s computer banks. After his Empress flees Earth, Finister decides to stay on Earth to perfect his skills by building an undisclosed town in Romania and sculpting Putty Patrollers & Monsters with the ability to take human form. Finster is eventually captured by the Power Rangers but not before it is revealed that he has more creatures disguised as humans in different parts of the world. He later returns to Rita Repulsa’s services after she returns to the Moon Palace. Finster later serves Lord Zedd once he takes over the Moon Palace and exiles Rita Repulsa. Finster’s role is later reduced to Putty Patroller creator, to his chagrin and is ordered to recreate the Green Crystal so that said could recreate his Dark Rangers. However, Finster retreats to Earth the Moon Palace after the Omega Rangers raid it and only has a small piece of clay in his possession. Finster later returns to the services of Lord Zedd and is transformed into the Yellow Dark Ranger. Finster is tasked by Lord Zedd to go to the Command Center and make sure Zordon is destroyed for good by the Eltarian Empire. However, he ends up in the crossfires of the assault on the Command Center and retreats to Safehaven with members of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers and Omega Rangers. He later returns to the services of Lord Zedd at the end of The Eltarian War but swears his loyalty to Mistress Vile after she returns to take over the Moon Palace.

Squatt/Blue Dark Ranger
Squatt is a blue skinned hobgolbin-like alien from the planet, Myrgo that is given to Rita Repulsa as a baby by his parents and raised to be a member of her crew. After Lord Zedd takes over the Moon Palace, Squatt pledges his loyalty to Lord Zedd. He is given the task of waiting on Dayne after he is hired by Lord Zedd to destroy the Power Rangers and later retreats to Earth after the Moon Palace is raided by the Omega Rangers. Squatt later returns to the services of Lord Zedd and is transformed into the Blue Dark Ranger. Squatt is tasked by Lord Zedd to go to the Command Center and make sure Zordon is destroyed for good by the Eltarian Empire. However, he ends up in the crossfires of the assault on the Command Center and would retreat to Safehaven with members of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers and Omega Rangers. He later returns to the services of Lord Zedd at the end of The Eltarian War but swears his loyalty to Mistress Vile after she returns to take over the Moon Palace.

Alpha 1
Alpha 1 is a robot created by King Lexian’s great artisans to be an advisor and protector to Zordon Of Eltar. He has presumably destroyed after an altercation with the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers but is revealed to have survived and is found by Master Vile. He is then used by him to give to Dark Specter as a host body but ends up not being usable. He then swears his loyalty to Mistress Vile and is sent to attack the Omega Rangers on . He then fights with a combined team of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers & Omega Rangers, fusing with the Red Omegazord before being dismantled by Omega Blue Thunder Omegazord. He then rebuilds himself to follow the Spectrum II and eventually ends up on Safhaven, where he fuses his technology with XI.

The Vessel
The Vessel is originally the soulless body of Zordon that is trapped in ice on the planet, Bizerk after Rita Repulsa traps his essence in a Time Warp. He is released by Rita Repulsa after becoming Mistress Vile and injected with evil energy to become a potential host for Dark Specter. He escorts Mistress Vile to the Moon Palace to take it over and obtain the Zeo Crystal. He is then ordered to travel to the Command Center to fuse with Zordon to become invincible but is purified by his soul, giving him free will to forge his own path. His path is interrupted however when he becomes the vessel for Dark Specter.

Putty Patrollers
The Putty Patrollers are foot soldiers that are sculpted from clay by Finster and cooked in the Monster-Matic.

Putty Patrollers (Mistress Vile)
The Putty Patrollers used by Mistress Vile are more powerful version of both the Putty Patrollers & Z Putty Patrollers.

Evil Space Aliens (Lord Zedd)

Lord Zedd
Lord Zedd was once an Eltarian known as Zophram that was chosen to be the Supreme Guardian Of Eltar. After being fed up with the Eltarian Council, he would attempt to use the Zeo Crystal to gain power in protecting the universe from evil, but would be severely injured by the curse that Zartus had one of the protectors put on the Zeo Crystal. Zartus slowly repairs his body and is reborn as Lord Zedd, Emperor Of Evil. In present day, he becomes fed up with Rita Repulsa’s slow conquest of Earth and takes over the Moon Palace and conquer the Earth himself. After losing to the Power Rangers countless times, Lord Zedd brings the Sirian, Dayne into his ranks to destroy the Power Rangers. After Dayne is captured by the Omega Ranger, Lord Zedd plans on recreating the Green Crystal to make a new team of Dark Rangers but his Moon Palace is raided by the Omega Rangers and he is stored in a container. Lord Zedd is later freed from his container by Dayne during the battle of The Anointed. After returning to his Moon Palace, he powers up the Green Chaos Crystal with energy obtained from the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers and transforms his minions into a new team of Dark Rangers. During an altercation with the New Green Ranger, he absorbs Chaos Energy from the Green Chaos Crystal and is powered up immensely. He then uses this energy to enclose Angel Grove in a forcefield, making it a perfect utopia, but is is revealed to be a way of getting the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers to give up Zordon to him. He fails at this however but successfully captures the Eltarian Guardian, Zeyla. He is later confronted by his former teammate, Zartus and is warned to not interfere in his conquest of Eltar. He ignores this warning and is presumably destroyed by Eltar’s Weaponry when they blast the Moon Palace into smithereens. It is revealed to have survived when Zordon travels to the Moon to obtain the Zeo Crystal. After learning the truth about Zartus, he teams up with Zordon to stop him from using the Zeo Crystal. After the Power Rangers defeat the Eltarians, Mistress Vile nearly kills him when she takes over the Moon Palace but is saved by the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. He is then brought to Prometha Headquarters, which is revealed to be his plan the whole time, whipping out his own Power Morpher to become the Z Ranger.

Goldar/Yellow Dark Ranger
Goldar is a winged golden monkey-like alien that was once a general in Lord Zedd’s Army that was sent to act as a spy to keep an eye on Rita Repulsa. After she figures this out, she offers him a role in her army as her second-in-command in return for his loyalty. He is temporarily banished to his Dark Dimension after letting the Green Ranger defect to the side of good until Rita Repulsa takes control of the Command Center, leading an army of clones sculpted by Finster. After Lord Zedd arrives to the Moon Palace, he swears his loyalty to his former master until he is captured by the Omega Rangers during their raid. He then hides on Earth, assuming command of Lord Zedd’s Army after revealing he has Lord Zedd’s broken Z Staff. Goldar later uses Lord Zedd’s Staff to create monsters to attack Angel Grove but retreats after the White Ranger destroys the Z Staff. Goldar later returns to the services of Lord Zedd and is transformed into the Yellow Dark Ranger. Goldar is later tasked by Lord Zedd to go to the Command Center and make sure Zordon is destroyed for good by the Eltarian Empire. However, he ends up in the crossfires of the assault on the Command Center and retreats to Safehaven with members of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers and Omega Rangers. He later returns to the services of Lord Zedd at the end of The Eltarian War and flees the Moon Palace after nearly being destroyed after refusing to serve Mistress Vile.

Baboo/Black Dark Ranger
Baboo is a monkey/vampire-like alchemist from the planet, Pongies that joins Rita Repulsa’s crew after he turns entire species into stone. After Lord Zedd takes over the Moon Palace, Baboo pledges his loyalty to Lord Zedd. He is given the task of waiting on Dayne after he is hired by Lord Zedd to destroy the Power Rangers and later retreats to Earth after the Moon Palace is raided by the Omega Rangers. Baboo later returns to the services of Lord Zedd and is transformed into the Black Dark Ranger. Baboo is later tasked by Lord Zedd to go to the Command Center and make sure Zordon is destroyed for good by the Eltarian Empire. However, he ends up in the crossfires of the assault on the Command Center and retreats to Safehaven with members of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers and Omega Rangers. He later question his loyalty to Lord Zedd and temporarily joins the team on Safehaven to fight the Eltarian Empire. He later returns to the services of Lord Zedd at the end of The Eltarian War and flees the Moon Palace after nearly being destroyed after refusing to join Mistress Vile.

Serpentera is a dragon-like zord constructed by Lord Zedd’s force to act as a personal zord for him to use in his attempt to defeat the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. It is damaged by the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers when they escaped the Moon Palace but is later taken back by Lord Zedd when he fights on Safehaven and is revealed to have a fighting mode.

Z Putty Patrollers
The Z Putty Patrollers are gray powered-up Putty Patrollers that are used by Lord Zedd as foot soldiers.

Evil Space Aliens (Master Vile)

Master Vile
Master Vile is a dark sorcerer that was once a researcher named Eldin from the planet Iutus and the husband of Lady Fienna and father of Rita Repulsa. His mind is poisoned by Dark Specter after attempting to research artifacts left by the Morphin’ Masters, becoming Master Vile. He is tasked with finding a host body for Dark Specter and attempts to make his daughter his host body until his wife infuses her with energy from the Morphin’ Grid, making her unable to hold the essence of Dark Specter. He also attempts to make his son, Rito Revolto a proper host but ends up making him go insane and transforming his body into a living skeleton. After failing to make his daughter a host for Dark Specter, he raises her to become a dark sorceress, succeeding at doing so but ends up losing her when she decides to join Lord Zedd’s Army. He eventually reunites with his daughter after the Space Pirate, Divatox delivers her to Gamma Vile when Lord Zedd banishes her from the Moon Palace, having her under his thumb until he fails to make Alpha 1 a host body for Dark Specter, where he is stripped of all his memories of Dark Specter and his mind is altered to be a loving father and ruthless ruler.

Tenga Warriors
The Tenga Warriors are giant bird-like creatures that are used by Master Vile as foot soldiers.

United Alliance Of Evil

Dark Specter
Dark Specter is the Grand Monarch Of Evil and a powerful evil essence that is responsible for giving various villainous factions immense power in exchange for their loyalty. His ultimate goal is to find a host body that could hold his evil essence, using a purple haired boy to communicate with others in the meantime. He also has his servants capture young children to raise them to his agents of evil, which includes the Space Pirate, Divatox and the Princess Of Evil, Astronema. After one of his most powerful minions, Master Ville fails to procure a host body for him, he give his daughter, Rita Repulsa a power-up to find him one, turning her into Mistress Vile. After Mistress Vile successfully infects the Morphin’ Grid with his essence, he also possesses the former body of Zordon known as The Vessel. Dark Specter takes over Safehaven as his base of operations while his essence slowly takes over the Morphin’ Grid, successfully corrupting many teams of Power Rangers.

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (Corrupted)
(Mighty Morphin’ Red Ranger & Mighty Morphin’ Black Ranger)
Rocky DeSantos & Adam Park are corrupted after being captured by Dark Specter’s Army when he infects the Morphin’ Grid.

Aquitian Rangers (Corrupted)
(White Aquitian Ranger, Red Aquitian Ranger, Blue Aquitian Ranger & Yellow Aquitian Ranger)
The Aquitian Rangers are corrupted after Dark Specter infects the Morphin’ Grid surrounding Aquitar.

Yellow Zeo Ranger (Corrupted)
Tanya Sloan is corrupted after Dark Specter infects the Morphin’ Grid, informing him on the Solar Rangers.

Psycho Rangers
(Psycho Red & Psycho Pink)
Psycho Red & Psycho Pink are corrupted by Dark Specter after he travels to the Y-79 Galaxy.

Wild Force Rangers (Corrupted)
(Red Wild Force Ranger, Blue Wild Force Ranger & White Wild Force Ranger)
These three Wild Force Rangers are possessed by the Death Ranger to assist them in attacking Safehaven and taking control of the Master Arch. They are later taken over by Dark Specter’s influence after he infects the Morphin’ Grid.

SPD Rangers (Corrupted)
(Red SPD Ranger & Pink SPD Ranger)
Jack Landors & Sydney Drew is corrupted after being captured by Dark Specter’s Army when he infects the Morphin’ Grid. The Pink SPD Ranger is sent to the future of Reefside to corrupt the Dino Rangers.

A-Squad Rangers (Corrupted)
(Red A-Squad Ranger)
Charlie is corrupted after being captured by Dark Specter’s Army when he infects the Morphin’ Grid. She is sent to the future of Reefside to corrupt the Dino Rangers.

Ranger Series Operators (Corrupted)
(Ranger Operator Series Red, Ranger Operator Series Yellow & Ranger Operator Series Green & Ranger Operator Series Black)
Summer Landsdown & Ziggy Grover are corrupted after being captured by Dark Specter’s Army when he infects the Morphin’ Grid. Scott Truman & Dillon are also corrupted and used by Dark Specter to take over Corinth.

Samurai Ranger (Corrupted)
(Blue Samurai Ranger & Pink Samurai Ranger)
Kevin & Mia Watanabe are corrupted after being captured by Dark Specter’s Army when he infects the Morphin’ Grid.

Dino Charge Rangers (Corrupted)
(Red Dino Charge Ranger, Blue Dino Charge Ranger, Black Dino Charge Ranger & Green Dino Charge Ranger)
The Dino Charge Rangers are corrupted after morphing while the Morphin’ Grid is infected by Dark Specter.

Pink Drakkon Ranger (Corrupted)
The Pink Drakkon Ranger is corrupted after being captured by Dark Specter’s Army when he infects the Morphin’ Grid. She follow Lord Drakkon through the Master Arch, with the intent of killing him but is purified when she is given the White Power Coin due to the White Light.

Cosmic Fury Ranger (Corrupted)
(Red Cosmic Fury Ranger & Gold Cosmic Fury Ranger)
Amelia Jones & Aiyon are corrupted after morphing while the Morphin’ Grid is infected by Dark Specter.