III. Allies

The Allies

Angel Grove Residents

Zordon is a wise sage that was trapped in a time warp when he trapped Rita Repulsa and her cohorts in a space dumpster. After Rita Repulsa escapes her space dumpster, he chooses five teenagers to become the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.

Alpha 5
Alpha 5 is the robotic assistant to Zordon and the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.

Bulk & Skull
Bulk & Skull are students from Angel Grove High School and the hosts of the online web series, Ranger Station. They attempt to befriend April O’Neil after learning she is a news reporter that works for Channel 6 in New York City.

New York Residents

Master Splinter
Master Splinter is the rat-like mentor and surrogate father of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Tyler is a childhood friend of Tommy Oliver and a member the Foot Clan. He assists Shredder in obtaining the Dragon Coin in order for him to become Green Ranger Shredder. He later has a change of heart and assists Tommy Oliver in getting his powers back from Shredder.