Jason Lee Scott, Gold Ranger

Zeo Gold

Name: Jason Lee Scott
Ranger: Gold Ranger
Actor: Austin St. John
Episodes: 109
First Appearance: “Day Of The Dumpster″
Last Appearance: “Once And Always”
Sentai: Chouriki Sentai Ohranger
Producer: Saban

Character Bio

Jason Lee Scott returns to Angel Grove after attending a Peace Conference in Switzerland to become the Gold Ranger after the original Gold Ranger, Trey Of Triforia is unable to utilize the powers. Shortly after returning to Angel Grove, Jason develops a relationship with a girl named Emily. After his Gold Ranger powers begin to weaken, due to the powers not being able to handle his physiology, he decides to return the Gold Ranger powers to Trey Of Triforia.


Pyramidas/Zeo Ultrazord
Pyramidas is a giant pyramid-like zord that is piloted by the Gold Ranger.
Pyramidas has the ability to transform into a humanoid-like zord and combine with the other Zeo Rangers zords to form the Zeo Ultrazord.

Warrior Wheel
Warrior Wheel is a wheel shaped humanoid-like zord sent by Trey Of Triforia to aid the Zeo Rangers in battle to fight robotic monsters.


Golden Power Staff
The Golden Power Staff is the personal staff-like weapon of the Gold Ranger.

Other Form

Gold Statue
Episode: “The Ranger Who Came In From The Gold”
Jason Lee Scott is temporarily transformed into a gold statues by the Midas Hound.


Whodunnit Outfit
Episode: “A Mystery To Me”
Jason Lee Scott wore this outfit at a Whodunnit Charity Event held by Detective Stone.